This policy covers everyone working for or on behalf of Norwich City Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers (NCGWSD).
The purpose of NCGWSD is:
- The preservation and improvement of craftsmanship in hand weaving, spinning and dyeing for the benefit of the public
- The promotion of public awareness and education in such craftsmanship
We will:
- Work considerately and respectfully with all – respecting diversity, different roles and boundaries and avoiding giving offence
- Treat everyone with dignity and respect
- Set the example by behaving in the way that you would like to be treated
- Encourage others to challenge collectively any attitudes or behaviours that are not in keeping with the behavior expected in this policy
- Treat all people as equals
We recognise our legal responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that no-one is discriminated against because of one of the protected characteristics of the Act.
We will work to implement this policy with everyone involved in the NCGWSD and the policy will be reviewed annually by the guild committee.
Please contact (or any other member of the guild committee) about any behavior you believe is not in line with this policy.
This policy may be updated from time to time. Check this page occasionally for changes.
Last updated: May 2021