Guild equipment

We own weaving and spinning equipment which members can borrow. It’s a great way to have a go at a new skill before you take the plunge and buy your own.


  • 24 inch Kromski Harp loom with stand and carry bag
  • 1 tapestry loom
  • 2 small looms (both about 16 inches)
  • 2 lovely old 4 shaft Harris looms
  • An inkle loom


  • 1 e-spinner
  • 3 spinning wheels with lazy kates
  • Lots of drop spindles and turkish spindles

Other equipment

  • A drum carder
  • 1 ‘umbrella’ yarn ball winder
  • 1 rotary yarn ball winder
  • 1 pair of carders
  • A growing library of books

We’re adding to our resources all the time, so this list might not be fully up to date. When you join us you may find we have even more things available for you to use.